When I was younger the hashtag symbol was universally recognised as the symbol for a number. Now it appears as the opening character in a tweet or other social media post. I was recently asked to generate a procedure which would add the page numbers which were to be printed to the bottom of an Excel sheet. The idea was when the file printed the first page had a description which said there will be X number of pages in the current report. Excel does not currently have a generic report pages generator algorithm so here is a starting point. It is a VBA custom function and the code is as follows.
Function PagestoPrint()
Dim Hztal As Integer
Dim Vtical As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Hztal = ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Count + 1
Vtical = ActiveSheet.VPageBreaks.Count + 1
i = Hztal * Vtical
PrintedPages = i
End Function
On the page which you are planning to generate the report I would suggest at the top you use the funciton as follows.
This will display how many pages are going to print. Hope this helps.