Advanced Dashboard Design Course

Dashboarding with Excel Full Day Workshop

The advance dashboard modelling course in Excel is designed show participants how to create highly intereactive, visually stunning dashboards with a little help from VBA.   Excel is an excellent platform for making exceptional dashboards that can provide insight, analysis and alert managers of business critical information.  In this workshop participants will learn how to create an informative, interactive and easy to update dashboards.  Beyond just the practical examples of building Excel dashboards, the course covers the fundamental principles of visual perception, dashboard planning, design and working with your data in Excel. 

Key topics

  • Learn the principles of sound dashboard design, as well as the tools to implement and build an interactive updatable dashboard.
  • Learn how to segregate information into a logical order, summarise it into meaningful format and then display the summary into easy to read tables and charts.
  • Learn how to use active X controls - combo boxes and radio buttons - to activate key datasets within your dashboard.
  • Learn how to apply a global heat map and colour a region based on the selection of an active X control.
  • Learn how to effectively incorporate colour and logos and relevant images into a dashboard.
  • Learn the difference between good and bad dashboard design and which charts to use to enhance your dataset.

Practical Component

Participants will create a whole of company dashboard detailing historical v actual P&L, sales, expenses, risk and some operational metrics.  The entire dashboard will be set up using a flexible calculations page which is generated from the controls on the dashboard.  The practical exercise will involve the use of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) - all coding will be provided in a Word document and knowledge of VBA is not required.

Who Should Attend

Professionals who prepare reports of any kind that are required to refresh these reports with new data on a regular basis.  These techniques will be helpful if you work with charts and summarised datasets and want to create reports in a visual appealing way.

The course material includes extensive use of Excel and participants will gain the maximum benefit from this course if they are already competent spreadsheets users. It is designed for users who use Excel on a regular basis, and are comfortable with using its tools and functions.  Knowing how to create incredibly visual, highly interactive Excel dashboards will take participants career to the next stage.

It would be most helpful if participants bring a USB to class so they can take the file with them upon completion.